Meet Alex Hall

Registered Psychologist

Tell us about you – who is your family, where do you live?

I was born and raised in Brisbane, growing up in Brisbane’s southside surrounded by my amazing family - my mum and younger sister. I have a wonderful partner and 10-year-old fur baby, Charlie. If you've met me through Telehealth sessions, you're likely familiar with Charlie, who never wants to miss out and has an uncanny knack for stealing the spotlight whenever he's on camera!

What got you into your current role as a Psychologist?

In my final years of high school, I was certain that I wanted to study psychology. I even went over to the UK in Grade 12 and completed a summer program at Oxford University, which just confirmed for me that becoming a psychologist was exactly what I wanted to do. So, off I went to do my undergrad in psychology, originally thinking I'd become an organisational psychologist. But you know how life goes – during my third year, I had this lightbulb moment and decided to switch gears into the clinical stream. Since then, I've haven’t looked back, completing my Master of Clinical Psychology in 2023 and currently doing my clinical registrar program. It's been a journey, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Why are you passionate about working with mothers and women?

Working with mothers and parents all started during one of my placements where I found myself in a hospital setting, supporting women during the antenatal stage. It was kind of unexpected, but I absolutely fell in love with it. Seeing the huge impact that support can have during such a crucial time in a parent's life was eye-opening. There's something really special about guiding mothers and parents through pre-conception, pregnancy, birth, and those early days of parenthood and beyond. Every day is different, but each interaction is a chance to make a real difference in the lives of families and I am very grateful to be in the role that I am in.

What do you like to do outside of work?

When I’m not working, you will usually find me spending time with my partner, family, and wonderful friendship group. I also absolutely LOVE to travel and explore so I am always planning my next trip. Finally, I also really value my alone time and engaging in self-care, whether this be going for a long walk, getting some exercise, cooking my favourite meals, going to the beach, or reading.


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