Our new group program is designed to help mothers reconnect back to themselves; ultimately to be able to fully connect in with their children, and show up as the mother they truly want to be.

She Shimmers is an 8-week online program that offers a truly holistic lens to make sense of modern motherhood.

A combination of nutrition, biology, psychology, sociology and spirituality; this group program is for mothers who are ready to take back their power and own their journey; to be a conscious, powerful creative force to be reckoned with.

Whilst motherhood can be the most amazing, beautiful, cup-filling experience; it can also feel overwhelming, suffocating and relentless. I liken it to trying to take a deep breath when wave after wave keeps crashing into you at the beach.

You know you *should* do XYZ… move your body… eat the veggies… get more sleep…do the “self care” piece. But you just can’t quite figure out how to fit it all in. Or you feel overwhelmed with where to start. The thought of adding yet another thing to your *to do list* is exhausting.

You’re already trying to be the best mum you can, and, alongside doing paid work and/or looking after multiple children, you just don’t know how to make time for you, too.

If you’re nodding along, you have come to the right place. I’ve been there too, which is why I want to share the way I make sense of motherhood, and what you can do to feel less overwhelmed, and more physically and emotionally resilient.

Designed for mothers who are well and truly in the trenches of motherhood, I aim to bring awareness to not only our physical symptoms and how to improve these, but also our mindset, spirituality and social experiences as mothers.

She Shimmers is a homecoming. A journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Let me hold your hand as you reconnect with the shimmer within and around you, mama - and let’s do it together with a group of mothers wanting the same thing.

  • Client Feedback

    Q: What would you say to someone thinking about working with Emma on their mindset, nutrition and physical health in motherhood?

    A: 100%! I could not recommend her more. I have never come across such a holistic method to motherhood. I love the way Emma has made it so normal to work on yourself as a mother, and that we don't have to accept how society views us. I love how this programme feels as important as a CEO of a large company participating in a managers' course. Motherhood is such an important role that shouldn't be diminished and deserves spending time and energy on, so that we as mothers love what we do and feel that sense of purpose and accomplishment that we somewhat lose when we step away from our pre-baby careers. We have a lot going on in our lives right now, and Emma couldn't have come into my life at a better time. I honestly don't know how we as a family would have gotten through the last few weeks. The programme has helped not only with small events like toddler tantrums but also with big events like buying and selling a home and running a business with my husband.

  • Client Feedback

    Q: What made you decide to commit to the coaching program with Emma?

    A: Her extremely inviting and comforting nature made me feel at ease straight away. Being a mother herself, I really felt like she understood where I was coming from, without judgement and with lots of love and compassion.

    I remember reading the description of the Magnetic Mother on the Maia Mothers website and thinking, "Oh my goodness, this is me," and I felt so heard!

  • Client Feedback

    Q: What are your key takeaways from the work with Emma so far? What have you enjoyed most?

    A: The key takeaway I have gained from working with Emma is that I don't need to change who I am, but rather, I needed to understand what is going on with my emotions, body, and actions, and learn to process and make sense of them. I always thought I needed to get back to my old self, but I have learnt from my work with Emma that it's like a new hybrid of myself. I'm a mum, so of course, I'm going to be a different person, but I've found those qualities I loved about myself before having kids and brought them back into the person I am now, with so much love, compassion, self-acceptance, understanding, and fun. The biggest takeaway is how much fun I am having parenting again, being silly and not apologising for it, loving spending time with my kids, smiling and laughing more, and most importantly, seeing the impact this is having on my kids. I love chatting with Emma; she is so understanding and personable, and I feel so comfortable sharing anything that is going on with me.

  • Client Feedback

    Q: What has been the most challenging thing that has arisen whilst working with Emma?

    A: The conditioning work has been tough, as I feel I had the best upbringing I could possibly have had. However, discovering that there have been things that have shaped how I live life now has been eye-opening.

    Working through these events has been challenging, but acknowledging them as a common experience everyone goes through helps to process it.

  • Client Feedback

    Q: How is your life different right now compared to before you started working with Emma?
    A: I love myself. I don't think I have truly loved the person I am since before I got married... It feels like I have welcomed an old friend back into my life... Knowing that it will continue to change and challenge me, but also knowing I have learned all these new skills to help me, gives me so much confidence... My kids are happier, and I feel they are more in tune with their emotions. I don’t get the Sunday blues anymore... Little tweaks to my diet have made such a massive difference to how I feel in my body and how much energy I have.

  • Client Feedback

    Q: What made you decide to commit to the coaching program with Emma?

    A: I have always resonated with Em’s online content. She just gets it, and has always been so open with the good and the bad aspects of life/ motherhood. Her approachable nature makes her feel like a friend.

  • Client Feedback

    Q: What are your key takeaways from the work with Emma so far? What have you enjoyed most?

    A: I have become far more happy with where I am in life, motherhood and myself outside of motherhood. The human design work is incredible. It’s all been so good.

    The content makes you think deeply about yourself and how you approach the world. It makes you look at the uncomfortable aspects of yourself but without judgment.

  • Client Feedback

    Q: What has been the most challenging thing that has arisen whilst working with Emma?
    A: Getting comfortable with where I am now. That my ‘worth’ isn’t linked to my career and that motherhood is just as important.

  • Client Feedback

    Q: What would you say to someone thinking about working with Emma on their mindset, nutrition and physical health in motherhood?

    A: Just do it. I thought I needed to speak to a Psychologist but I really just needed the Magnetic Mother course. It has opened my eyes to how we work as women and that prioritising yourself is the first step in becoming the mum/partner you want to be. Thank you so much Emma!

  • Client Feedback

    Q: How is your life different right now compared to before you started working with Emma?

    A: I feel calmer in my parenting and I am more conscious of where my energy is going. I understand why I react to things and what my strengths are. I am also so aware of how my parenting and how I am around out children will impact them now and into the future.

Can you resonate with any of the below? 

+ You’re tired of feeling like you’re constantly running on empty, with little time or energy for yourself.

+ You often find yourself comparing your journey to other mothers, feeling inadequate or falling short of what you thought you would be like as a mother.

+ You struggle with guilt, doubting your choices and feeling pressured by the expectations of motherhood.

+ You yearn for a sense of identity beyond being a mum, wanting to reconnect with who you are outside of motherhood.

+ You know you are doing important work in mothering your children, but you don’t know how you can keep giving and giving without eventually burning out.

+ You have moments of anger or rage toward your partner/children/friends/family, but you have no idea where this has come from and feel ashamed that you’ve become “that mum” (the mother you never thought you’d be).

+ Your brain is foggy and you have moments of forgetfulness - which is entirely new to you since becoming a mother.

Here are the three areas to understand and reflect on in motherhood that can take you out of the overwhelm, for good:

  • + Nutrient stores 

    + Thyroid function 

    + Blood sugar issues 

    + Neurochemistry 

    + Hormone fluctuations 

    + Nervous system dysregulation

  • + The internal pressure to be the mother you always imagined

    + Grappling with seeking control; focusing on trying to control aspects of caring like behaviour and sleep 

    + Anxiety and perfectionism  

    + Feelings of anger, resentment, frustration 

    + The “should” language and loud inner-critic

    + Mum Guilt

    + Comparison and self judgement 

    + Low self-worth

    + Feelings of low competence as a mother

  • + The patriarchal society we are living in today and how this influences mothering 

    + The guilt-shame cycle you find yourself in too often which has been set up by our society

    + Never feeling like we're doing a "good enough" job as mothers

    + The load mothers carry within our society and the failing structures around us, leading to self-blame, and feeling like we’re letting others down

There are three things to understand and reflect on in motherhood that can take you out of the overwhelm


There are three things to understand and reflect on in motherhood that can take you out of the overwhelm 〰️

She Shimmers is a group program designed unpack what it means to be a mother within today’s society. Using a multi-pronged approach, I will help you to understand why we feel like we’re giving our all but always falling short.

What’s included…

Investment details…

+ $555 when you pay in full upfront OR $60 per week over 10 weeks ($600 total cost).

  • Each week, I will introduce a new module on a specific topic relevant to mothers, from debunking the myth of the perfect mother to managing the mental load, to nurturing and nourishing your physical body. Each module topic have further detailed below.

  • We'll dive deep into the weekly module during a 60-minute group coaching call. These calls will occur weekly on a Thursday from 12:30pm (lunch time or nap time!). If you can't attend a call, don't worry—recordings will be available for you to watch at your convenience.

  • In addition to the live call each week, participants will receive a reflection sheet and specific journal prompts. These resources are tailored to deepen your understanding of each topic, encourage self-reflection, and support you throughout the program.

  • If you need some inspiration to nourish yourself and your family, we have created a whole food, family-friendly recipe database for you to draw inspiration and easy meal ideas from.

  • Access to easy yet life-changing nervous system regulation strategies to help nurture your mind and body as a busy mother. Includes visualisations, breathwork, somatic work and so much more.

What topics are covered each week?

Week 1

Welcome to Modern Motherhood - an exploration of the society and culture we are mothering within.

Transforming from Self-Less to Self-Giving - giving back to ourselves in a season that requires so much from us.

Week 2

Rethinking the Motherhood Brain - how to escape “mum brain” for good.

Week 3

The Biology of our Bodies as Mothers - how to listen to our body’s nudges.

Week 4

How to Nurture and Nourish our Bodies as Tired Mothers - without spending hours in the kitchen.

Week 5

Recognising Motherhood Emotions of Guilt, Anger and Shame as Tools for Growth.

Week 6

The Mothers Mental Load - how to externalise and outsource.

Week 7

Self-Compassion and Sacred Space as Mothers - how to honour ourselves with kindness and love.

Week 8

Let go of who you used to be, and step into the powerful AF version of you and the best one to date - the mother.

Got questions?
Need more information?
Seeking clarification on something?

Fill out this contact form and Emma will get back to you as soon as possible. Please include as much details as possible.