Breastfeeding Course
Breastfeeding is a journey like no other.
And wherever you are on your journey, we want to make sure you have access to the knowledge, support and tools you need to make the experience a positive one for both you and your precious baby.
Why choose our Maia Mothers Breastfeeding Course?
Because we’re passionate about empowering you on your breastfeeding journey.
We’ve collated an in-depth and varied collection of breastfeeding resources - written & recorded by our expert IBCLC in the field - and we’ve tailored them to provide you with a course of the highest-quality.
What do I get access to?
+ Visual video content produced by our highly qualified, experienced, and passionate IBCLC.
+ 25 lessons detailing everything from what to expect in the first few days with your newborn to navigating the benefits of feeding to sleep, and how to deal with mastitis.
+ Helpful examples of breastfeeding positions.
+ Lessons on understanding your baby’s cues.
+ Advice on building a strong breastfeeding relationship.
+ so much more!
Course Outline
VIDEO 1 - Introduction
VIDEO 2 - What to expect in the first few days with your newborn
VIDEO 3 - Colostrum and when your milk “comes in”
VIDEO 4 - What a feed can look like
VIDEO 5 - Feed frequencies and cluster feeding
VIDEO 6 - Best ways to support your supply
VIDEO 7 - Feeding from one or both sides
VIDEO 8 - Topping up without compromising breastfeeding
VIDEO 9 - Benefits of feeding to sleep
VIDEO 10 - Breast, nipple care and engorgement
VIDEO 11 - Mastitis, possible causes and tips
VIDEO 12 - Tongue ties
VIDEO 13 - Baby vomit and knowing whether to feed afterwards
VIDEO 14 - What if I don't enjoy breastfeeding and D'MER
VIDEO 15 - Reflux and colic
VIDEO 16 - Breastfeeding after breast surgery
VIDEO 17 - Breastfeeding when sick
VIDEO 18 - Potential supply changes with first menstrual cycle
VIDEO 19 - Positioning and attachment
VIDEO 20 - Babies hunger cues. How to know when to feed
VIDEO 21 - How to know if my baby is getting enough milk?
VIDEO 22 - Giving my baby a bottle
VIDEO 23 - Pumping and expressing
VIDEO 24 - Expressed milk handling and storage