meet allie hojnik

Endorsed Midwife and Childbirth Educator

Tell us about you – who is your family, where do you live?

Brisbane has always been my home, I currently reside on the northside. I live with my ever-patient and genuinely awesome husband Tim.

What got you into your current role as an endorsed midwife?

Midwifery initially found me after choosing it as an undergraduate degree before medicine, but after working as a midwife I fell in love with the power of women and the transformation of seeing families being born that I knew it was a place I needed to stay. After working in the birth space for 10 years, I needed a direction to pursue midwifery in a way that could better serve women and families. I completed my endorsement that allows me to pursue working as a midwife outside of the conventional hospital system. An Endorsed Midwife is still a unique but growing niche that allows midwives to work in Private Practice and be Medicare eligible.

Why are you passionate about working with mothers and women?

I see my role as more than just a midwife but also for social justice and women’s rights in the birth space.

Throughout my time as a midwife I have witnessed hundreds of incredible births. But have also witnessed when birthing women and partners felt defeated and they thought... if only I had known, I would have done it all differently.

I created The Good Birth with the intention of empowering mothers and families to feel more positive about their birthing and early parenting journeys. The rates of birth trauma in Australia are horrifically high, with up to 1 in 3 women describing their birth as traumatic, not to mention how partners feel.

This education has been a labour of love, to improve the disconnection and misinformation faced by families in the pregnancy and birth space. It is designed to offer you what you thought you would learn from your antenatal appointments or hospital birth class but didn't and should absolutely know!

What do you like to do outside of work?

Nature fills my cup and is where I am drawn to when I am not working. I love travelling whenever and wherever I can, we collect nature samples from every place we have travelled to and aim to have a wall full them. I am trudging through learning the Slovenian language thanks to a Slovenian husband, love my vege garden and plants, and have a regular rotation of foster cats and kittens.


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