meet belinda harvie

Naturopath + Remedial Massage Therapist

Tell us about you – who is your family, where do you live? 

I am Bel, I was lucky enough to be chosen to be the mother of my two little loves Ebony and Saige and  live in sunny Brisbane QLD.

What got you into your current profession of Naturopathy?

My Grandmother was a midwife and I remember ever since I was young I wanted to follow in her footsteps. I also had a passion for sport and fitness and could not decide what to do so I started with doing a Diploma in Community Services (Mental Health) at Tafe then continued on to study a Bachelor of Applied Science (Human Movement Studies) at QUT, and a Diploma in Remedial Massage to pursue a career as an exercise physiologist remedial massage therapist. During this time my mental and physical health suffered. I sought help from a functional medicine doctor and naturopath where I was able to heal holistically using herbal medicine, nutrition and nutraceuticals. I knew this is what I wanted to learn, so I went on to study a Bachelor of Health Science (Naturopathy), so I too could help others avoid the band-aid approach of conventional medicine and instead realign their body 's to it’s innate ability to heal and thrive and here I am. 

Why are you passionate about working with mothers? 

After being told I would never have children, then falling pregnant and birthing my first child, my whole life and whole self changed. Matresence is such a sacred process that we need to protect. I see that we live in a patriarchal society with strong engrained systems where productivity and profit come before family and presence and where women are left isolated and unnoticed with the disposable role of caring for the children and maintaining the household, where sleepless nights, constant stressors, external judgments and lack of nourishment leave them exhausted and depleted. This isn't the case in many Eastern cultures where mothers are cared for and supported to recover, rest and nourish post birth as they raise children in a village/community. I am passionate about guiding families towards conscious conception for a nourished birth, pregnancy and postpartum and to help those mamas who are feeling depleted, vulnerable, overwhelmed or at breaking point to feel held, safe and nourished.

What do you like to do outside of work?

Outside of work I am a beach babe at heart and spend any spare moment I get to be there with my children.  I love to run and I feel most happy in nature so I like to immerse myself as much as I can. We spend Sunday mornings at the organic markets buying our nourishment for the week. 

What is your one piece of advice for first time mothers?

Trust your intuition. You know what is right for you, your body and your baby. 

Where can we find you on socials?  

Instagram: @bel.harvie_naturopath.massage

Facebook: Belinda Harvie


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