meet keisha singleton

Accredited Counsellor

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Tell us about you – who is your family, where do you live? 

Hi everyone - I’m Keisha. I’m originally from Wales, UK, and met my Australian husband in London before moving here 7 years ago. My family is made of myself, my husband, two children under 5 and our pet goldfish. After many years living in Brisbane we now live on the Sunshine Coast, however I travel to Brisbane frequently.

What got you into your current profession of counselling?

After the birth of my second son, I found that there was a real emptiness in the support system for parents. Diagnosed with acute postpartum depression, I began to realise how important it was that we ensure that we are caring for the needs of the mother as much as the child, as they are just as important. 
Why are you passionate about working with mothers?

With the medical field focusing largely on the baby, the mother is all but forgotten. Mothers are cleaned up and packed up, sent away to live their new lives. Whilst having a child is exciting and beautiful, it is also daunting, nerve wracking, and puts substantial stressors on relationships, social groups, family, and life as you know it. I want to work with mothers to guide them into this new phase of life with care and consideration, giving them the space they need to grieve their old way of life and adjust to their new role within the world. 

What do you like to do outside of work? 

Having spent much of my life living in the inner-city I am now reconnecting with nature. I love to swim in the ocean, read books in the garden, and seek out new cafes.
What is your one piece of advice for first time mothers? 

You are your child’s first and best model for life - so model self-love, understanding, growth and acceptance.

You can’t pour from an empty cup. Fill your cup with self-love, self-worth, care and understanding. Love yourself, your body, and your purpose in life, and your child will grow in your glow.

Where can we find you on socials?

Instgram: @bloom_counselling_co


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