meet cherie hamburger


I’m Cherie, I live in Ferny Grove with my Husband Wayne, and my two Sons, Oscar (11) & Archie (9)

What got you into your current profession of Applied Physiology Kinesiology?

Growing up my mother was an Acupuncturist and then become a Kinesiologist and trainer. Holistic Therapies have always been my go-to, so when my children were little, and I was trying to navigate Motherhood raising 2 under two, I again turned to Kinesiology again to help us all. When my boys started school and I was looking to return to work I had the opportunity to re-invent myself with Kinesiology, and it’s been the best decision I ever made!

Why are you passionate about working with mothers?

I’ve lived it all. I’ve lived through 3 years of trying to fall pregnant and miscarrying, I’ve lived through emergency c-sections and struggling to breastfeed with little support, I’ve lived through raising two highly energetic boys with a 15 month age gap, I’ve lived through trying to make them nutritious foods only to have them throw it on the floor, I’ve lived through trying to settle the boys into school and finding that we had to change schools to support their learning better. I could go on. Becoming and being a parent is incredibly challenging and rewarding, supporting mothers and their children through one of the most intense times of their lives is extremely special for me as I get to share all my wisdom through lived experience using a modality like Kinesiology!

What do you like to do outside of work?

I love cooking good food for my family, daily yoga practice, tending my garden full of flowers and herbs, bush walks and swimming in the ocean, and finishing the day with a family card game before bed.

What is your one piece of advice for first-time mothers?

Shut out all the noise, and ask yourself what do I need right now? And do that. Forget what you think you should be doing because you saw it in a book or your Aunt said you have to, and just follow what feels right for you and your child.


Where can we find you on socials?

Instagram: @healingwithcherie



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