meet ashlee wells


Tell us about you – who is your family, where do you live?

I am a wife and mother to two glorious young children (2 under 2!). They are the most incredible and challenging little humans in my life. My husband and I grew-up in Townsville North QLD before moving to Brisbane in 2021. We absolutely love being in SE QLD.

What got you into your current profession?

I always knew I wanted to be in the helping profession. I feel very grateful to be in a position where I can help and hold space for so many beautiful people.

Why are you passionate about working with mothers?

I was drawn to this specific area after experiencing my own motherhood journey. Like most mothers, it was a momentous, identity changing, not-always-so-glorious life adjustment. It wasn’t until after this period and speaking with my mum friends, that I could really understand the uniqueness of the perinatal period. I realised how much I wanted to support mothers and families during this wild and vulnerable time.

What do you like to do outside of work?

As a family we are always on the lookout for fun and exciting adventures. My husband and I absolutely love being outdoors. It also tames our wild beasts (children) and maintains our sanity. Anything in the bush, at the beach or in the mountains. We love wildlife, exploring new places, camping, swimming, fishing! As long as the sun is out and I have a coffee I am happy.

What is your one piece of advice for first-time mothers?

Everyone’s situation is so different and unique, there isn’t a one size fits all approach to parenting. But I do think it’s important for new parents to be kind to themselves. They’re learning just as much as their baby is. They will sometimes make mistakes. They will sometimes cry with exhaustion. All of this is totally normal. But they also don’t have to navigate this journey on their own. Accept the help when offered, and seek the support when needed.

Where can we find you on socials?


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