meet jessie hossen

Qualified Massage Therapist

Tell us about you – who is your family, where do you live?

Hi there, my name is Jessie! I currently live in Brisbane with my beautiful partner Doug. I grew up in South Australia, where I lived for 22 years before moving to Queensland in 2021. I come from a big family of women, including 18 sisters, aunties, cousins, and grandmothers, and I am the eldest of my sisters and cousins.

What got you into your current role as a massage therapist?

I started my career in Queensland as a Registered Nurse, where part of my job was providing Post Operative Massage. It was through this experience that I discovered my passion for massage therapy and the profound benefits it can have for the mind, body, and soul. I have always loved connecting with people and learning from them, and I found that massage therapy allowed me to build deep connections with my clients and provide them with the care and healing they needed. My background in Nursing also gives me a unique perspective on the underlying benefits of massage therapy.

Why are you passionate about working with mothers and women?

Working with mothers and women has been a lifelong dream of mine. Growing up in a family of women, I have always felt a special connection to them and understood the unique challenges they face throughout their lives. My Mum has been a huge inspiration to me, and I have always admired her strength and resilience in raising me and my sisters. I believe that mothers and women deserve to be celebrated and supported throughout all stages of life, and through my massage therapy, I hope to provide them with tailored care and support that meets all of their needs.

What do you like to do outside of work?

When I'm not working, I love spending time with my family, friends, and my partner, Doug. Since moving to Queensland, I have discovered a love for the outdoors and enjoy spending time in the beautiful parks and beaches in the area. You can often find me having a picnic in the Roma Street Gardens, reading a book on a sunny patch of grass, or soaking up the sun at the beach.



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