meet madelaine longrigg


Tell us about you – who is your family, where do you live?

We have recently relocated from the Northern Beaches of Sydney to the Sunshine State and we are so happy we did! We decided to settle on the Northside of Brisbane and have been loving the friendly neighbourhood vibe. Our little family consists of my husband, myself, our very energetic son Louis, and we've got another little bun in the oven due to arrive in October. 

What got you into your current profession of being a Myotherapist? 

Growing up, I was always involved in sports and loved trying out new activities. I had a particular interest in netball, waterpolo, surf life saving and surf boat rowing. My passion for sports and fitness led me to pursue a career as a Personal Trainer, which I started shortly after finishing school.

As I worked with clients over the years, I found myself naturally attracting people who were dealing with acute and chronic pain and injuries (I myself had had my fair share by then too!). This sparked my interest in understanding more about how the body works and how to help alleviate pain and discomfort.

That interest ultimately led me to pursue a Bachelor of Health Science majoring in Myotherapy. After four years of study, I was qualified to practice as a Myotherapist.

I have a passion for feeling good and helping others to achieve the same. 

Being able to work with clients and help them overcome pain and injuries is incredibly rewarding, and I'm grateful to be able to do what I love every day.

Why are you passionate about working with mothers and children?

Throughout my career, I've had a strong focus on working with women, particularly in the area of pre and post-natal exercise rehabilitation. As a Myotherapist, I've been able to extend my work with women to include treatments for a variety of conditions related to pregnancy and childbirth.

In 2018, I travelled to the UK to learn abdominal scar immersion techniques, which has become a significant part of my offerings. I'm passionate about helping women recover from C-sections and have since run my own C-section release and rehabilitation workshops for practitioners.

My own experiences with pregnancy, birth, and postpartum have only increased my passion for helping women. I believe that mothers need a support team to champion them through these stages and changes. While pregnancy, birth, and postpartum can be beautiful, they can also be challenging and even traumatic, both physically and mentally. As a Myotherapist, I'm here to provide support and hold space for women, whether it's helping them manage aches and pains or offering emotional support during the raw and dark times. It's incredibly rewarding to be able to help mothers feel their best and navigate these transformative experiences with confidence and strength.

What do you like to do outside of work?

My interests outside of work are really all about the outdoors: surfing, camping, hiking, exercising, and my latest interest is riding my scooter to chase my son on his bike. When not pregnant I love socialising, in particular a Friday afternoon cocktail. 

What is your one piece of advice for first time mothers?

Have no expectations on yourself or on your baby.. No expectations = no disappointment.

And, have your support network ready before the baby arrives: birth support, post partum support, nutritional support, mental, emotional and physical support, and of course babysitter support so you can recharge. 


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