8 Helpful Online Breastfeeding Resources

Most mothers will tell you they wish they’d been more prepared and more informed about breastfeeding before they gave birth.

Breastfeeding can feel overwhelming at times, and isn’t always easy. The education around what to expect, and how best to support yourself and your baby on your breastfeeding journey is often skipped-over or completely missed in the dialogue before birth.

In order to feel more prepared - better still, empowered - for your breastfeeding journey, Maia Mothers IBCLC, Rachel Hodge has put together a fantastic list of easy-to-access online resources for breastfeeding.

You’ve got this, mama.

Online Breastfeeding Resources from an IBCLC:

Feeds and Nappies in the first week
An overview of what to expect in the early days of breastfeeding, including topics such as how much milk your baby will take, and how often your baby will feed.

Feeding cues
A comprehensive look at the cues your baby will give to show they are hungry, including photos to demonstrate specific visual cues.

Let down reflex

A breakdown of what the let down reflex is, how it works, and things you can do to get your milk to flow.

Feeding Patterns

An explanation of expected feeding patterns for babies in the early months of breastfeeding, including topics such as how long your baby might take to feed and why feeding patterns might change.

Attachment with tips and pictures

A closer look at attachment with helpful photos, videos and guides to assist you in finding an ideal attachment for you and your baby.


A helpful guide on the myriad of positions you can try while breastfeeding - with detailed photos to help you find the position/s that suit you and your baby best.

Is baby getting enough? 

If you’re worried about how much milk your baby is getting, this resource gives practical examples to help you identify if your supply is going well.

Breastfeeding Videos: (lots of different positions demonstrated)

Another comprehensive list (with plenty of examples) to educate you on breastfeeding, from positioning to the benefits of breastfeeding.

Below is a checklist created to give you prompts and expert advice on how to create and maintain a supportive and positive breastfeeding experience:


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