Nutritionists want mums to eat

Mama, we understand that fuelling yourself usually comes right down the bottom of the priorities list sometimes.

We get it because we’ve been there. You’re either running after little ones or you're running late, so drinking coffee on an empty stomach for breakfast, or the leftovers from your kid’s lunch might seem like enough - but we cannot stress how important it is for you to eat properly.

It seems so basic: fuel your body with food to function at your highest potential. But we’ve found that mothers will often opt out, forget, or not have time to eat leading to significant undereating.

Undereating, and/or eating without macronutrient balance can lead to:

  • Overall and lasting fatigue

  • Feeling easily overwhelmed

  • Intense cravings

  • Binge eating

In clinic, the best tip we give when it comes to fuelling yourself adequately as a mama is to be prepared.

Think about the week ahead on the weekend and go into the week with food items in the fridge and/or pantry, which can easily be thrown together for a quick balanced meal. ⁠

Pre-make your breakfasts so you simply grab something delicious and sustaining and head out the door, ready to tackle the day. Utilise batch cooking to have protein and veg sitting in the fridge. Double your dinner ingredients so you have leftovers for lunch. Stock up on packet rice, tuna and frozen veg which can all be used to make a quick meal. ⁠

Other tips we - as Nutritionists - would love for mothers to know and keep in mind when organising their daily meals:

  • Hydrate upon waking

  • Opt for a protein rich breakfast (min 20 grams) - eggs on toast/frittata/porridge with added collagen

  • Have coffee after breakfast

  • Lunch - leftover meat/protein and vegetables or throw together a macro-bowl

  • Afternoon tea - something protein/fat based for example, fruit and nuts/seeds or bliss balls/yoghurt with berries

  • Dinner - meat/protein and vegetables

Our wonderful Nutritionist, Emma Morris has shared one of her go-to recipes; perfect for any meal or snack - and kid friendly too!

Easy Breakfast Frittata 

You can also pour these into a muffin tin to make 4-6 breaky muffins 

Ingredients (Serves 3-4)

  • 8 eggs, free range

  • ¼ cup coconut cream

  • 1 zucchini, grated

  • ½ cup grated carrot or sweet potato

  • 2 rashers bacon

  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil, olive oil or ghee

  • ¼ teaspoon salt

  • ¼ teaspoon black pepper

  • 1/4 cup Feta cheese, for topping (optional)


  1. Preheat oven to 180°C.

  2. Whisk eggs and coconut cream in a large bowl.

  3. Add grated vegies.

4. Finely chop bacon and fry off in oil or ghee. Add to the bowl with all other ingredients and combine well.

5. Pour into a round 20cm baking tin and top with feta. Cook for 20 minutes or until cooked through and firm to touch. 

6. Store leftovers in the fridge for 4-5 days.


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