meet lauren monaghan

Doctor of Chinese Medicine + Registered Acupuncturist

Tell us about you – who is your family, where do you live?

I live, work and play on Yuggera and Gubbi Gubbi country (North Brisbane to the Sunshine Coast). My tiny family consists of myself and my two cats Luna and Shelby but also extends to my wonderful partner, Esther, my beautiful mum Bev and my siblings Jared, Alyse, Caitlin and Seonaid.

What got you into your current profession?

I began my journey in natural health in 2013 when I started studying Naturopathy. Through a big change of life which saw me move to the Sunshine Coast and quit my phlebotomy job, I ended up getting a position as a clinic assistant in an acupuncture clinic. Having never been exposed to Chinese Medicine before, I was sceptical to begin with, but I was amazed by the results I was seeing and fell deeply in love with the medicine. I had some time off study to re-evaluate and went back to study Chinese Medicine in 2016.  

Why are you passionate about working with women’s health?

I didn’t get the nickname ‘period queen’ at college for no reason!

My passion for treating hormonal and menstrual health started from my own struggles with endometriosis and painful periods. There is something so fulfilling about having the ability to help improve someone’s cycle not only for symptom reduction but for fertility reasons as well. I’m all about normalising periods and vulvovaginal health, ending the stigma and the shame that surrounds them.

What do you like to do outside of work?

I am an avid gardener so hanging outside is where I like to be the most. Whether that’s in my own garden, a national park or Bunnings. Spending quality time with my loved ones at home or on the coast is also very important to me.

Where can we find you on socials?

You can find me on Instagram @althaea.acupuncture and through my website



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when parenting hurts