meet nicola scruby


Tell us about you – who is your family, where do you live?

I am based in Brisbane’s north-side and live with my husband-to-be, Mitch, my bubbly one-year old son, Leo, and our much loved Spoodle, Napoleon. When I’m not consulting, I am exploring every park in Brisbane with Leo, cooking up a storm in the kitchen or spending any spare moment at  “my special place”, the Sunshine Coast.

What got you into your current profession?

My initial nutrition interest sparked from personal experience. From the age of 14 to 21 I unfortunately struggled with an eating disorder. Although I did receive treatment through a hospital outpatient program, I found a lot of the help I received to be triggering. It wasn’t until I enrolled myself in a Bachelor of Health Science (Nutrition) that I realised the connection between my mind and body and was able to significantly improve my thoughts surrounding food. A combination of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and study saw me make a full recovery which I still consider to be one of my greatest achievements.

Becoming a Mother opened up a whole new world of nutrition - from understanding nutrition requirements prenatally and during pregnancy, to dealing with a traumatic labour resulting in postpartum depletion. Knowledge is power so in the weeks postpartum, I enrolled myself in a master certification of Pregnancy, Postpartum and Infant nutrition. I was able to nurture myself back to my old self (plus one) and find my calling nutritionally supporting other women in this season of life.

Why are you passionate about working with mothers?

After experiencing Motherhood for myself I have quickly realised the lack of conventional support and education available to Mothers throughout pregnancy and postpartum. I think there needs to be more awareness surrounding the impact of depletion on the mental and physical load of a mother. I remember a defining moment in my postpartum journey when I felt unable to stand up (from physical exhaustion) let alone hold and feed my newborn baby. I happened to come across a profound analogy about Motherhood and oxygen masks on a plane which significantly shifted my thinking. The concept was simple - just like on an aeroplane when you’re told to put on your oxygen mask before helping others with theirs, you can’t help others for very long if you don’t take care of yourself first. I want to help mothers to realise that self-care and nutritional adequacy is vital if you are to be the best mother to your baby.

What do you like to do outside of work?

I love cooking, recipe developing and doing yoga or pilates. I have also made it my 2022 goal to start painting or drawing.

What is your one piece of advice for first-time mothers?

Trust your gut, embrace the little wins and remember to put yourself and your baby first.

Where can we find you on socials?

You can find me @the__unrefined or


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