meet melissa kupsch

Qualified Homeopath ~ BSc(Hons) Homeopathy

Tell us about you – who is your family, where do you live?

I live on Bribie Island with my husband Matty and our three sons Jacky, Ollie and Archie. We had our boys quite close together so the last five years have been beautiful and busy. We learned very quickly how important our village of support is and we’ve been lucky to have such amazing friends and family beside us. 

What got you into your current profession?

I was halfway through a degree in Naturopathy when my chronically ill sister landed back in hospital. After years of exhausting what felt like every other option on earth, a lecturer at my university, who had long wanted me to study homeopathy, suggested she try it. I told him if he cured my sister I would switch my degree, he did, and the rest is history!

Why are you passionate about working with mothers?

Having children has stretched, challenged and grown me more than I could ever have imagined. I personally have used homeopathy and holistic medicine more during this period than at any point previously in my life. My body, my mind and spirit needed all the support. It’s such a precious, sacred journey and I have been a magnet for mothers and those hoping to become mothers since I opened my doors.

What do you like to do outside of work?

With the family we spend a lot of time at the beach, swimming and more recently getting into fishing and camping in our caravan. As for me personally, give me books and a cup of tea!

What is your one piece of advice for first-time mothers?

Surrounding yourself with a loving support network will carry you through challenges when they surely come. We are made to experience this journey together- learning, encouraging and inspiring each other. If you don’t already have your tribe, there are communities everywhere waiting to embrace you.

Where can we find you on socials?

You can find me @thathomeopath and 


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