How can Naturopathy help with fertility?

Whether you’re about to begin your preconception journey or have already begun, you might be interested in learning about supporting your body in a holistic way to help enhance fertility.

Continue reading to find out how naturopathy can support you.

Naturopathy is a holistic whole body approach to healing that aims to find and treat the root cause of imbalance or dis-ease.

As our wonderful Maia Mothers Naturopath, Bel Harvie explains: in the context of fertility, Naturopathy aims to utilise diet and lifestyle, nutrient supplementation and herbal medicine to improve a couple's overall health to increase the chance of a healthy conception, and carrying a healthy baby to term.  Naturopathy also aims to find and treat the underlying cause of both male and female infertility, to support a healthy conception and where necessary improve the success of assisted reproductive technology (ART).

Naturopathic medicine has been shown to be effective in:

  • improving egg quality

  • repairing irregular cycles

  • anovulatory cycle (lack of ovulation)

  • when well nourished, amenorrhea (absent periods)

By regulating hormones, naturopathic treatment helps relieve menstrual symptoms including heavy or painful periods, breast tenderness, fluid retention, acne, PMS, PMDD and has be shown to be highly effective i the treatment of conditions such as PCOS and endometriosis, all of which are supportive of female fertility. 

When it comes to male factor fertility, naturopathic treatment assist with improving sperm concentration, morphology and DNA quality along with improving the overall health if the individual.

Book an appointment with our experienced and passionate Naturopath, Bel today.


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